September 17-19 We will meet at Parvin, stay overnight, and begin the ride with 2 loops. Short ride – 25 miles Long ride – 50 miles   Organized and hosted by the SJ Wheelmen organization.Continue Reading

Klondike Derby Season Returns for 2022! 1/14/2022: Pine Hill District Klondike, Pine Hill Scout Reservation   More information to come! Mark your calendar! A Klondike Derby is a competitive event that uses sledges and Klondike Gold Rush themes to complete a multiple “city” course and sledge race, challenging each sledContinue Reading

Project dates: Saturday, August 21st Sunday, August 22nd Time: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Thomas D. is Waterproofing and organizing the Performing Arts Storage Shed, located at the back of the middle school parking lot. 101 MacArthur Blvd Haddon Township, NJ Come Join us as we prep the shed, waterproofContinue Reading

July 25 4:00pm   Please join Eagle Scout candidate Dominic C. in building garden boxes at the Holy Saviour location of St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish. If you can bring your own drill, it would be appreciated, but  otherwise tools and materials are provided. Expected time to completion, with enoughContinue Reading

July 22 to July 25 Thurs – Sun. Meet at Dr. Conway’s house 10 Pershing St. On this trip we will be day hiking and scrambling over rocky trails in The Shawgunks of New York (“The Gunks”).   This will be the 3rd Gunks trip for T179. Trip leaders areContinue Reading

Congratulations to Jack M., and his family that helped propel him, to earn the Order of the Arrow!   Jack completed all of the short-term and long-term camping requirements within his rank, something not easy to do (especially during COVID-19). Then he completed The Ordeal and was awarded Order membershipContinue Reading

May 28 6:00pm   The troop traditionally honors veterans this weekend with flag placements on the graves of soldiers at Calvary Cemetery off Route 70.  Usually done on Saturday morning- we are now doing this on Friday night at 6 pm to accommodate the weather for the weekend.  We shouldContinue Reading

Due to COVID-19 constraints, the trip this year is cancelled. We’re working on some alternative activity ideas. If you would like to share an idea, please email the Troop.   Sorry, and thanks.  Continue Reading