ASM: Assistant Scoutmaster
ASPL: See “Assistant Senior Patrol Leader”
Adult Leaders: In Troop 179, adults leaders are members of the “Old Goat” Patrol. They might be obvious (and in uniform) like the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters, and not so obvious, like the Committee Chair, Treasurer, and Advancement Chair. The adults are there to help you. See “Boy-Run Troop.”
Advancement: The process by which a Scout meets certain requirements and earns recognition.
Advancement Chairman: Sometimes known as “the one with the computer.” The Advancement Chair keeps track of all your advancements, nights camping, service hours, etc. S/he’s an important person to Scouts. Anytime you have completed advancement requirements, merit badges, etc., go see the one with the computer.
Arrow of Light: The highest rank in Cub Scouting. The AOL patch is one of only two that can be earned by a Cub Scout that can be worn on his Boy Scout uniform.
Assistant Scoutmaster: A person 18 years of age or older holding this position in a Boy Scout Troop. Helps the Scoutmaster with teaching scouts, leads outdoor activities, and assists in planning events.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader: This Scout assists the Senior Patrol Leader (See definition), and is in charge if the SPL is not available. Many troops have more than one ASPL.
Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth: Founder of the worldwide Scouting movement. Born in London, February 22, 1857. He is referred to as Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Chief Scout of the World. Died January 8, 1941. Abbreviated, B-P.
Badges: See “Patches/Badges”
Board of Review: A panel of 3-5 adults who review the progress of a scout advancing to the next rank. Their purpose is not to quiz the scout, but rather to be certain the scout has passed the requirements for a higher rank. It’s also a great way for the adults to get to know each scout better.
Boyce, William D.: An American businessman who had lost his way in London. A boy who offered assistance was a Scout. Mr. Boyce was so impressed with by the boy’s kindness, he helped begin Boy Scouts in the USA.
Boy Run (Lead) Troop: Our troop is “boy run.” That is, the boys decide what they want to learn, where they want to go hiking and camping, and BOYS are the LEADERS. The adults are there to advise, assist, train, and drive. The number one job of a Scoutmaster is to train Scouts to become Leaders.
Boy’s Life: The magazine published by the Boy Scouts of America to help boys broaden their horizons in Scouting.
Buddy System: A part of Safe Swim Defense. Swimmers of like ability are paired, check in and out of the water together, and stay within 10 feet of each other during the swim. Buddy system is used also in other activities such as hiking and field trips for safety reasons.
Camporee: A Council or District Event where Boy Scout troops come together for one or two nights of joint camping. Usually involves competition between troops in Scoutcraft skills. Cub Scouts (especially Webelos) are usually invited to attend.
Charter: Formal permission from the Boys Scouts of America allowing a troop to organize.
Chartered Organization: The sponsoring organization of the troop. This organization may be a religious, civic, fraternal, educational or other community-based group. Monthly troop meetings are usually held in a building owned by that organization.
Charted Organization Representative: Adult who serves as liaison between the troop and the chartered organization and between the chartered organization and the council and who is a member of the local council and district committees.
Circle Up: “Circle” is held at the end of the meetings. Scouts, adult leaders, and parents are invited to join in a circle to share information, announcements, and fellowship.
Class A Uniform: The complete, dress uniform of the Boy Scouts. Includes shirt, slacks or shorts, belt, socks, and neckerchief. “Class B” uniforms are less formal….usually featuring a Scout-related T-shirt.
Color Guard: A group of Scouts (usually a patrol) who are responsible for the flag ceremony at the beginning and end of troop meetings, Courts of Honor, etc.
Commissioner: A volunteer Scouter who works with packs and/or troops to help units succeed.
Commissioners Recognition Program: The Denver Area Council recognizes units for providing outstanding programs. Units that qualify earn free badges of rank for their Scouts.
Committee Chair: An adult, 21 years of age or older, the executive officer of the committee, who works with the Scoutmaster to assure that the troop provides the Boy Scout phase of the Scouting program.
Council: Headquarters for Scouting in a specific geographic area. The country is divided into more than 400 local councils. We are part of the Garden State Council.
Court of Honor: Special ceremonies held four times a year during which scouts receive recognition for awards they’ve received such as rank advancement and merit badges earned.
Crew: Venturing units are called “Crews.”
District: Level of the Boy Scout organization directly under the council. Each Boy Scout belongs to a patrol, each patrol belongs to a troop, each troop belongs to a district, each district belongs to a council, each council belong to a region and all regions belong to the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America.
District Award of Merit: A silver knot on a dark blue field awarded for outstanding service by a volunteer on the district level. It is the highest award a district can give an adult volunteer.
District Commissioner: A volunteer Scouter who is in charge of all Commissioners within the District.
District Committee: A group of registered adult Scouters responsible for carrying out the council program within their district.
District Executive (DE): A professional paid Scouter who works with the volunteers under the direction of the Scout executive.
Eagle Project: You may hear about these soon after joining the troop. Candidates for the rank of Eagle need to do a special service project. They always need help, and it’s a great way to get to know the older boys in the troop. Some day you’ll need help with your Eagle project.
Fast Start: This is the first step to take for any volunteer new to Boy Scouting. This course should be taken before beginning youth activities. This training is available on-line.
Firem’n Chit: A training program to teach new scouts the safe use of fire, and how to build, maintain, and put out camp and cooking fires.
“Flags”: (“Who’s doing flags?”) A term used to describe the presentation of the U.S. and troop flag at the start and end of a troop function. Also called the “Presentation of Colors”)
Formation: See “Troop Formation.”
Good Turn: A distinctive feature of Scouting is its emphasis on service to others. The Good Turn habit is one that all Scouts endeavor to acquire.
High Adventure: A special trip for older Scouts. It might be canoeing in Minnesota, hiking in New Mexico, or sailing in Florida.
Instant Recognition: The night a Scout advances in rank he receives his new rank patch that night. He will receive the advancement card and recognition at the next Court of Honor.
Jamboree: A gathering every four years that brings together Scouts from all over the country…and the world.
JLT: Junior Leader Training: now called National Youth Leadership Training. (NLYT) Leadership training conducted by the troop for its new leaders. Boys will likely take the training more than once while members of the troop.
Klondike: A winter version of a “camporees.” A Scout must have winter camping training before being allowed to spend the night.
Leave No Trace: Using camping and hiking techniques that minimize impact on the environment and other people.
Lock-In: A special type of Troop event, usually held in December. A Troop spends the night “locked in” at a recreation center. It’s a night of movies, dodge-ball, basketball, Frisbee, swimming (if a site contains a pool), lots of pizza, and NO SLEEP.
Mallgrave Clean: Mallgrave Clean is the standard of cleanliness established by Assistant Scoutmaster Jeff Mallgrave. There is “Mom Clean, there’s “Hospital Clean,” and then there’s ” Mallgrave Clean.” Your cooking stoves, pots & pans, and patrol box won’t be allowed back into the troop trailer until they’re Mallgrave Clean.
Merit Badge College: A special event at which many different merit badge classes are taught for a fee. A great way to get merit badges completed in a short period of time.
Merit Badges: Awards given for the study of a skill, citizenship, vocation, sport, or academic topic. There are more than a hundred to choose from. Some are required to reach the rank of Eagle. Some merit badges encourage you to increase your skill in subjects you already like, while others challenge you to learn about new areas of knowledge.
Medical Forms: Forms required for participation in outdoor activities. The troop will require you to fill one out when a Scout joins (Class 1 form) which it will keep on file and taken on campouts. You will also update it annually during recharter. You will also need to fill out a more detailed form for summer camps and high adventure trips.
National BSA: Headquarters for the Boy Scouts of America, located in Irving, Texas. Where the program is developed and literature is printed.
New Leader Essentials: Is the initial training for adult leaders serving youth in the Boy Scouts of America. The 90-minute training presents an overview of the core elements of Scouting, including the organization’s mission, aims and methods. It also provides new leaders with a look at the resources available to them through the Boy Scouts of America and a clear understanding of Scouting’s expectations of its adult leadership
New Scout Orientation: A day-long training for new Scouts and their parents. You’ll get lots of information, training, and food. You’ll also have lots of fun and get on the Scouting trail.
NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training): See JLT / Junior Leader Training.
Outdoor Code: A pledge for proper outdoor conduct which should be followed by all Scouts and leaders.
Outdoor Program: The total scope of outdoor programs offered by the Boy Scouts of America, including unit outings, camporees, long-term Scout camps, council and national jamborees.
Order of the Arrow: Scouting’s national honor society. Members are elected by their fellow Scouts. OA members are dedicated to outstanding camping traditions and service to others.
Orientation: See “New Scout Orientation”
Pack Check: New Scouts will have their packs checked before we go on a major troop outing to make sure you have what you need. The older (more experienced) boys will help you make sure you have what’s important, and that you don’t bring along items that aren’t allowed on camping trips.
Patches/Badges: Worn on the uniform to designate rank or training awards. Refer to the Scout Handbook or Insignia Guide for specific placement information.
Patrols: When you join a troop you will be placed in a patrol of 6-10 boys. You will work together, and camp together, as a unit. You’ll have your own patrol name.
Patrol Box: Each patrol is given a box for use when camping. It will contain cooking pots, utensils, spices, etc. Keep it clean, and make your Scoutmaster very happy.
Patrol Leaders Council (PLC): A monthly meeting of the troops patrol leaders, SPL, ASPL, and Scoutmaster. Used as a planning meeting for upcoming troop meetings and events.
Permission Slips: A form that must be filled out and signed by parents giving their approval for a Scout to go on a campout or other troop activity.
Philmont: The largest, oldest, and most beautiful high-adventure Scout Camp. It’s located near Cimarron, N.M. Philmont features hundreds of miles of hiking trails, and much more. A trip to Philmont is the highlight of most boys scouting experience.
Phone Tree: A method used by the troop to notify all members of the troop about information relating to meetings, or emergency mobilizations.
Polar Bear Award: Awarded to Scouts who camp-out overnight when the temperature drops below 0o Fahrenheit. Can be earned multiple times.
Presentation of Colors: See: “Flags”
Quality Unit Award: Recognition given each charter year to units that commit to and meet six of eight national standards (three are required) pertaining to leadership training, service, advancement, camping and membership growth.
Quartermaster: A leadership position in the troop. Has responsibility of inspecting and maintaining troop camping equipment. Big troops have more than one QM.
Re-charter: Every year in February, all Scout units, and their members must “re-charter.” That is, re-register for the following year.
Registration: The payment of an annual registration fee. This is one of the requirements for membership in the BSA.
Religious Awards: An award presented by individual faiths to Cub and Boy Scouts for completion of a rigorous set of requirements within their respective faiths. Adults may also receive a religious award for service to youth within their own faith.
Roundtable: A monthly district level meeting where adult leaders learn new ideas, program guidance, and receive information on district and council activities and a general exchange of ideas.
SPL: See “Senior Patrol Leader”
Safe Swim Defense: A list of standards required for the safety of everyone venturing into the water. Those areas include qualified supervision, physical fitness, a safe area, lifeguards, a lookout, grouping by ability, the buddy system, and discipline.
Safety Afloat: Guidelines that establish the requirements for safety when Scouts are in or near the water. Those guidelines cover supervision, fitness, swimming ability, flotation equipment, the buddy system, skills, planning, and equipment.
Scoutmaster: A strange critter. Someone who loves to help boys become good citizens, good friends, and safe in the outdoors. Usually considered a sane person, but when around Scouts, becomes willing to sleep on rocks or in the snow, and eat burnt eggs and hamburgers that “only fell on the ground once.”
Scoutmaster Benediction: “May the Great Scoutmaster, of all Scouts, be with us until we meet again.” This is often used as the close of troop meetings.
Scouter: A registered adult member of the Boy Scouts of America.
Scout Shop: Stores where you can buy all of your Scouting uniforms and books, as well as lots of other Scouting items. There are two locations in Denver: next to the Service Center (adjacent to Invesco Field) and in the Denver Tech Center.
Scouter’s Key: A recognition given to a unit leader or commissioner for completing training, tenure, and performance requirements.
Scout Executive: The professional staff leader of a Council.
Scouting Magazine: The official magazine sent to all registered Scouters.
Scoutmaster Conference: A one-on-one talk with your Scoutmaster to get to know each other better, and to determine if a Scout is ready to advance to the next rank. Held before the “Board of Review.”
Senior Patrol Leader: The highest ranking boy in the troop. Elected by other members. He is the leader of the troop.
Service Center (aka Resource Center): Scout Headquarters. It contains the professionals’ offices and the Scout Shop (where you can buy uniforms and all of your Scouting needs). Ours for Troop 179 is 4468 S. Main Road
Millville, NJ 08332, 856-327-1700.
Service Patrol: Each month a patrol is assigned to be service patrol. They arrive before each meeting to set up chairs and prepare the church for the meeting. Also helps clean up after the meeting.
Service Project (Service Hours): Scouts need to accumulate a set number of service hours for some rank advancements. You gain those hours by working on service projects designed to help others.
Service Star: Worn on the uniform above the left pocket to denote years of service in the Scouting program.
“Signs Up”: When a leader (youth or adult) raises the Scout Sign, someone will call “signs up.” That means you should remain quiet and listen.
Silver Beaver: A recognition given by the National Court of Honor for distinguished service to youth within the local council. The similar regional award is the Silver Antelope and the national award is the Silver Buffalo.
Tahosa: One of the Denver Area Councils camps. Located a few miles North of Ward, Co.
Tenderfoot: The first rank you will earn as a Boy Scout.
Ten (10) Essentials: Ten items each Scout should have with him any time he’s in the outdoors. The items could help save his life. The list can be found in your Scout Manual.
Timberline District: The Denver Area Council is comprised of seven districts. Troop 737 is in the Timberline District. It includes northern Jefferson County, and part of Park County.
Totin’ Chip: When a Scout demonstrates that he knows how to handle woods tools, he may be granted totin’ rights.
Tour Permit: Permit approved by the council for any outing that is to be taken by a Troop if traveling is involved.
Treasurer: An adult leader in the troop who handles our money. He/she also keeps track of the money you make from fund-raisers. You’ll need to talk to the treasurer every time you go on a camping trip or other troop function.
Troop Committee: A group of parents & adults lead by the Committee Chair, who helps guide the troop. They work “behind the scenes” of a boy-led troop making sure the program is followed, safety rules are adhered to, and keeping an eye on the operations of the troop. All adults are encouraged to participate in the committee.
“Troop Formation”: When the Senior Patrol Leader wants the troop to gather by patrols, he’ll call a “troop formation.”
Two-Deep Leadership: The concept of having at least two adult registered leaders at every meeting or outing for the safety and welfare of the Scouts.
Uniform: The distinctive feature of Scouting that quickly identifies its members.
Uniform Inspection: A feature of a unit meeting when members of the Troop are given an opportunity to demonstrate their uniformed appearance. It also gives the scouts an opportunity to make sure their patches are in the correct location on their uniforms.
Unit: A term used to designate any one of the following: pack, troop, team, crew, or ship.
Unit Commissioner: A commissioner assigned to a unit to lend support and help when needed. He/She can be the unit’s best friend.
Varsity Scout: The Varsity Scout team is made up of young men ages 14 through 17 in a stand-alone program of the BSA…separate from the troop.
Venture Patrol: An optional older-boy patrol (ages 13 through 17) within a troop. The Venture patrol features exciting and demanding ultimate adventures and sports activities.
Volunteer: Individual who donates services, time, and/or funds to support the program of the Boy Scouts of America.
Volunteer Service: The work of a great body of men and women who make Scouting available to youth by their leadership of units. Done without pay.
Webelos: Cub Scouts in the 4th and 5th grades (or boys who are 10) can join a Webelos den that prepares them to be members of a Boy Scout troop.
Winter Camping: Any troop camping trip between the months of November and March are considered “winter camping trips.” All new Scouts must go through special winter-camping training before being allowed on winter trips. We also have events during those months that include sleeping in cabins (like a ski trip). All Scouts can participate in those.
Wood Badge: This is advanced leadership training for adult leaders who have completed the required training for their position. It is intense leadership-based training that takes place either for a full week or over two weekends (Thurs-Sat).
World Conservation Award: An award for scouts emphasizing the importance of our natural resources and our interdependence with other countries in fulfilling our mutual needs.
World Crest: A badge worn by Scouts and Scouters as a symbol of commitment to the World Association of Scouting. An expression of World Brotherhood.
World Friendship Fund: A fund to which Scouts and Scouters in the United States of America may contribute to provide material help to Scouts and Scouting around the world.
Youth Protection Training (YPT): This is BSA’s training for all adults who will work with youth in any capacity which discusses the various types of child abuse, how to recognize potential symptoms, and what the BSA policies and regulations are regarding reporting.