Merit Badge College 2021 December 3-5


December 3, 4 and 5, 2021

Additional Details

Merit Badge College Schedule and Info (view “2021” items) 

Note Location is now in Pine Hill!

Pine Hill Scout Reservation, 120 Watsontown, New Freedom Rd., Pine Hill, NJ 08021


Merit Badge College is our next camping trip. This is an excellent and very important advancement opportunity for ALL SCOUTS. You can earn 3, 4, 5 or more merit badges during this weekend. You’ll also earn rank advancement too.

MOST IMPORTANT: Most badge require you do some research and/or maybe some writing before you get to camp. It’s not hard and, if you prefer, you can team-up with other scouts and complete that pre-work (“prerequisites”) as a team. There are Merit Badge Worksheets (link below) that give you the requirements, asks you the questions and space for you to write the answers. See the listing of prerequisites below.

There are several Eagle required Merit Badges being offered.  You can take one of those or any others that interest you. New Scouts, to eventually earn the rank of Eagle (should be your goal), you’ll eventually take 14 Eagle Required and 7 others. Most Eagle Scouts earn 25-30 badges because there are many that just interesting topics that you want to learn more about. There are 135 different Merit Badges. So, look at the list of what is being offered, select a few that you’d like to take. You don’t need to have a class every session, but you will be working on rank advancement with T179 leaders at our campsite during those downtimes.

If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to ask me: Mr. Stine (call 856.816.8021 with a parent, or and

Remember, you’re representing Troop 179. Don’t be one of those guys that show up un-prepared.

TRIP DETAILS:  It’s at Pine Hill Scout Reservation (camp map attached). It’s winter camping and we’ll be tents in Seneca Site. The Troop did great winter camping at Gettysburg and we’ll do great here. The classes are indoors with a few exceptions (Astronomy). Bring warm clothing and layers. Bring a sleep pad, a warm sleeping bag, pillow(s), hand warmers, a warm hat and hoodie. Bring a refillable water bottle, a mess kit and utensils. Bring snacks if you want them.

Trip Costs: $25 ($10 goes to the campsite and cabin rental)

Covid-19: BRING masks. Masks will be worn by everyone while indoors. Bring a notebook, the MC Wood Book, pens and pencils and anything else needed for the Badge.

Adult leaders: You are always welcome, but please take the BSA Youth Protection on-line certification. Print the certificate at the end because there are always issues with verification. On Sat morning, all the troops assemble, and the Counselors ask for additional adult assistance. Please be ready to volunteer. If you have expertise in one of the Badges, make sure you let the Counselor know. If they have everyone they need, I will offer that T179 adult leaders can help with “Rank Advancement” during any scout’s open period they might have.

Meet at the church Friday night at 5:30PM. We depart at 6:00PM. It’s a 20-minute drive down New Freedom Road. We set up camp and have an awesome campfire. Sat morning, we wake up for a good breakfast and then start advancement. Sat night will be a ALL CAMP Campfire. We should be home Sunday morning by 10:00/10:300AM.

Here is the general Merit Badge College Itinerary


    • Troop arrives and sets-up camp


    • 9:00am – 12:pm A1 MB Session (3 hours)
    • 12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch
    • 1:00pm – 3:00pm P1 MB Session (2 hours)
    • 3:00pm – 4:30pm P2 MB Session (1.5 hours)
    • 4:30pm – 6:00pm Free time/prep for dinner
    • 6:00pm – 7:30pm Dinner and clean-up
    • 7:30pm – 9:00pm E1 MB Session (~1.5 hours)


    • Breakfast
    • Vespers (Troop 65 hosts, other troops participate)
    • Clear camp

 MB College Registration

Each attendee needs to be identified as a Scout, Merit Badge Counselor (MBC), or Leader/Adult [Non-MBC] in the registration ticket, as it will serve as a manifest. Families may pay for multiple ticket types in 1 transaction.

Cost (to cover facilities) is $10 each for scouts, MBC and Leaders/Adults are free but must be YPT current. Units are responsible for their own food/meals.


MB Elections Form

Every scout needs to fill out the election form – this will generate class lists for counselors and help units track advancement.

Merit Badge election form:


MB Information, requirements, and worksheets


MB Prerequisites for Merit Badge College



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*Mission* In partnership with Native peoples and their allies, the National Museum of the American Indian foste…



  • Music: 3 (If they play an instrument and can bring it, they should. MBC would like to know ahead of time if they do.) An instrument is not required.
  • Personal Management: Be prepared to discuss requirements 3, 4, 6 & 7.
  • Photography : Complete requirement 4 and bring it with you to present to the group.
  • Salesmanship: 6,7 & 8
  • Scholarship: 1 and 3
  • Wood Carving: Bring Totin’ Chip and pocketknife