Merit Badge College 2017 Info

December 2-3 at Browns Mills

Permission form and schedule is available in the Troop OneDrive.

The troop’s next trip is just down the street in Browns Mills for Merit Badge College (MBC).  MBC is an opportunity for scouts to earn merit badge and some rank advancement too.     The trip details are listed on the Permission slip. If you have additional questions, just ask.


Please take a look at the attached list of the badges and the per-requistes that need to be done before arriving in camp. Your scout should select a merit badge class for each time-slot.  It is recommended that New Scouts sign up for Communications. It is one of the required patch for Eagle Scout.


MOST, if not ALL merit badges have prerequisites.  To find out what they are, go to, then to “Boy Scouting,” then to “Merit Badge Worksheets” where you will find all the merit badges and the requirements listed. They aren’t difficult to do and there’s still plenty of time to get-r-done.  The boys can sign-up for the same badges and work together on those pre-reqs making it more enjoyable. Questions, just ask.


If you’re a parent of a new scout, a great way you can help your son get the most out of scouting is to become a Merit Badge Councilor (MBC).  A MBC teaches scouts a topic in much greater detail.  There are over 150 merit badges and each has specific requirements the scout must do to earn the badge.  It could be geology, auto mechanics, cooking, bicycling, environmental science, electronics, communications and more.  It could be your professional training, what you got your degree in or your hobby. It could be a topic you just want to know better so can teach yourself.  Go to, go to Boy Scouting and then to Merit Badge worksheets.  You’ll see all the merit badges and what the requirements are.  If you want to teach one, the Troop will buy the MB booklet and you can supplement with web searching.


T179 goes to Mr. Misery every December for MBC – this year it’s Dec 1st and 2nd.  The scouts sleep in tents, the MBC can camp or head home after they are done.  The classes are taught in heated cabins.  We are looking for new MBC to teach more badges.  The more badges, the more scouts want to go.  So far, we have:


  • Citizenship in Community
  • Citizenship in Nation
  • Communication
  • Camping
  • Family Life
  • Personal Management
  • Finger Printing
  • Mining in Society


To be a MBC, you will also need to take the 45 min on-line Youth Protection course and there is a MBC webpage to review some useful tips of teaching.  Your MB class may only be 2 hours.  It could be more.  My Communications course is 4 hours.  If you’re interested, go to and call me with any questions.  We would like to nail-down the MB for MBC in a couple weeks so please look right away.