Klondike 2017 Prep

Klondike – “Call of the Wild 2017” for the White Horse District is approaching quickly! The Troop is preparing!

Test your Scout Skills against other Scouts in one of our 10 rough and tumble Klondike Towns. From rope skills (to keep it together), map & compass skills (to get where you’re goin’), and most certainly on a perilous journey such as this, your best first aid skills (to bandage all the mishaps with ropes, orienteering, and fire skills). Sled check-in 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Derby starts at 9 a.m. Come for the day or stay overnight. Camping available Jan. 27 & 28.

Registration files are available on our OneDrive space.

We are inviting Webelos from Cub Scout Pack #179 this year to the Klondike Derby. Depending on the number of registrations/confirmations, they will tag along with a patrol for a station or 2, or form into their own group and try stations themselves. Any Webelo that comes will have a parent nearby for supervision and to make sure they don’t obstruct Troop activity.


This is a great chance to give the young guys a taste of the fun they can have after they bridge-over this year/next year. Let’s make sure they feel welcome and not overwhelmed when they come.






Location: Pine Hill Scout Reservation.

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Registration information is on the GSC website.