T179 Gettysburg Battlefield Trip – Exploring the Billy Yank and Johnny Reb Trails
November 19-21, 2021
This trip is an outstanding day-hiking trip as we conduct a self-guided, but informed hiking tour of the Battlefields and Cemetery. We leave Haddon Twp Friday evening, tent camp Fri and Sat night and return to HT around noon Sunday. We will be hiking the Battlefield, reading historic markers, having fun but being reverent and stop into the Visitors Center too.
HEY SCOUTS: Invite a friend. This is an excellent trip. They don’t have to join the Troop, but they may want to when they experience what a cool way to spend the weekend and how we’re learning new outdoor skills and having fun while doing it.
Trip Details:
Meet-up: Meet at Westmont United Methodist Church, Friday 11/19 6:00PM – Depart 6:30PM
Trip costs: $150.00 per scout (*)
(* all scouts can reduce the trip costs to $25/per scout by completing the 16-question Gettysburg Scavenger Hunt and word scramble at link below. Each scout must complete and bring no later than our Fri night departure).
Adults: Please let Mr. Stine know if you are able to attend this trip. We can use you.
Food: Please eat dinner on your own Friday night. Sat breakfast of bagels, fruit and hot oatmeal. We want this to be hearty, but quick so we can get to Battlefield ASAP. Sat lunch is up-in-the-air. We could make the assembly line PBJs at the campsite (always very good tasting and protein-packed) unless the Troop comes up with a different idea (must be easy to transport and eat on Battlefield). Dinner is up-in-the-air, but Mr. Mallgrave will be with us so we have to bring our “A Game.” Sunday breakfast – let’s see if we can’t get Mr. Mallgrave to show us how to make his now-famous breakfast burritos. As always, there are always other things to eat.
Trip Prep: We will be covering Cold Weather Camping and how to set up and brew coffee (no kidding) on Nov 2nd and going shopping Nov 16th.
Camping in BSA Camp Conewago 450 Boy Scout Road, New Oxford, PA 17350
T179 registered in Tent Site 7
Scavenger Hunt: https://bsa179org-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/troop_bsa179_org/EWsQveLbJVtGjbacN7DE2k8BGCVFXQXs1Yfe_fl-MtyHXQ?e=jBLK8z
(we have no plans to throw Scouts in the air for this trip)