April 7-8
Trip prep April 3
Participating in the Troop’s trip preps is valuable for you. Even if you’re not going on this trip, the information we go over is info you need for advancement so it’s not a waste of time.
- Tomorrow
- Come at 12:15 for pizza
- If you need a backpack, I will have several that you can try-on and then borrow for this weekend’s trip. This will give you plenty of time to pack it for Sat’s 11.2 mile trip
Learn the 20 things YOU SHOULD NOT BRING backpacking with you - What should a backpacker’s personal first aid kit consist of?
- Thurs night (7:00PM)
- Bring your fully-loaded backpack in and we can check it out.
- What should you bring for your trail lunch? We’ll have some examples
- Questions
The boys decided that everyone should bring:
• Your own lunch for Saturday,
• Nils has some trail mix snacks for everyone to share,
• Tim R is bringing a camp stove on the hike, so bring a pouch of hot chocolate if you want something warm to drink,
• Don’t forget a camp cup to drink that hot choc in,
• Everyone decided to supply their own meal for dinner. Most will bring something that can be cooked in and eaten out of one pot. There is lots of hearty and filling meals in a pouch options from the grocery store,
• Don’t forget your mess kit to cook in.
Batona General Info is on the Troop OneDrive space, and also on their website.
Campsite B in Brendan T. Byrne State Park:
39°52’18.2″N 74°31’10.2″W
39.871728, -74.519486