June 28-30 (Fri-Sun)
Cost: $25 per person (includes transport, canoe/kayak access, Friday dinner + Saturday breakfast/lunch/dinner + Sunday breakfast).
This is a great flatwater paddling trip where we set up camp on Friday night, paddle for about 6 hours on Sat. and head back to the same camp site Sat night. Life jackets are mandatory.
Most important is to know if you can go or not. Check family calendar and advise YES/NO.
We could use some additional parents to help transport scouts and boats. You are welcome to paddle or just hang-out in the campsite. Please let Mr. Stine know ASAP.
Do you have a canoe or kayak or know if you can borrow one? Please let us know.
We bring our own boats on this trip so it’s very important to know who wants to go and who knows they can’t make it. LMK.
Car camping at Rivers Bend Group Campsite at Walpack Bend, NJ. Mr Stine has camped here with high school students for 15 years
Departure time on Friday TBD. Ideally we depart around 3ish so we beat traffic, but could depart later if it means more scouts and parents can join trip.
Email or call with questions troop@bsa179.org (856-617-4453 or 856-816-8021)

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Photos from the trip are now available on the Troop’s OneDrive space: http://link.bsa179.org/photos
Attendees can post their Roses & Thorns: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/message/19:3e85bbd37a394f108ecec72000d7e3a8@thread.skype/1561907172736?tenantId=3337ef89-7ea9-4645-be8e-5330954b00b5&groupId=a034734d-ae7e-47df-ac29-767b75baa9d9&parentMessageId=1561907172736&teamName=Troop%20179&channelName=Thorns%20and%20Roses&createdTime=1561907172736