Congratulations to Jackson R. and Colin J. who both became Eagle Scouts on May 24th! We should all be proud of our brothers in scouting. Let them know! Eagle Court of Honor Ceremony info is in Events. Our Eagles Gallerywill be updated with their names/photos/information ASAP.Continue Reading

May 27th (Sat) 9:00 AM – 11:00AM – VFW/T179 Memorial Day flag ceremony.  Scouts and their families are invited to help place American flags on the graves of our servicemen.  This is a great way to honor Memorial Day.  Please come in your Class A uniform.  All scouts urged toContinue Reading

We will host Cub Scout Pack #179 on Saturday, May 13th from 5:00-6:00. Webelo-II cubs will bridge over to the Troop, let’s give them a warm welcome!   Please arrive at 4:30 to help prepare.  Continue Reading

Cabin Camping at Roosevelt March 25-26, 2017 ALL scouts departing Sat morn. The scouts have decided to go down to Roosevelt on Saturday morning instead of Friday evening. Arrive at church at 8 AM.  Depart 8:15. Drivers: Mr. Stine, Mr. Martino and Mr. Fischer.  Mr. Nitzberg bringing down Erik, TimContinue Reading

A large component of my Eagle Scout Project is coming up I need some volunteers. My Project will feature a DIY electronics class at the Haddon Township Library on Tuesday, March 28 at 6:30 in which attendees will build a basic audio oscillator. I will need some volunteers to helpContinue Reading

The selection is in. From the scouts we heard from, the majority have chosen Rodney, which is down along the Chesapeake Bay waterfront. Both Mr Mallgrave and Mr. Stine are available this week too. The August 6-12 is Rodney’s last week of camp and typically the number of scouts thatContinue Reading

February 11th and 12th, 2017.   It’s opened for Scouts, Scout families and a friend too. We meet at the Westmont United Methodist Church on Saturday, February 11th at 8:00 am and we will leave at 8:15. We will ski/snowboard throughout the day.   GPS Address: Shawnee Mountain Ski Area,Continue Reading

Another Klondike is under our belt and, while we have no ribbons to show for it, there were many things for T179 to be proud of….: Our two Klondike sleds were led by Erik N. and Matthew B. Both did a great job.  There have been “melt-downs” in the past,Continue Reading

Thanks to all Troop members, families, and friends that participated in the cleanup around Edison School and Cooper River Park! We hauled away a few dozen bags of trash and debris from park area that our entire community uses. It was a great day of service!      Continue Reading